I was looking for the perfect Adele song to blog. The one that touched my heart, my soul, and mind. She has some incredible songs and her voice wrapped around those lyrics are gut wrenching. I understand why she's such a big hit with women but damn if this song didn't almost knock me out of my chair when I heard it. The song is Lovesong off of her 21 album and it's absolutely amazing. Not for the music though the musicianship is exquisite. No, the reason this song hit me so hard is because I know women who feel like this.
Women who feel like when they get around that certain person, be they male or female they feel right, whole, beautiful, perfect. When I hear Adele sing However far away/I will always love you/However long I stay/I will always love you/whatever words I say/I will always love you I am immediately brought back to those conversations I had where distance is spoken about with no concern, where trust is spoken about passionately, and where love is such a part of the conversation it's like a third party.
This is my favorite Adele song and when I hear it, it often goes on repeat just so I can recall those conversations again and again.
Mmmmmm...absolutely beautiful song. ;-) I love when you said, "...where distance is spoken about with no concern, where trust is spoken about passionately, and where love is such a part of the conversation it's like a third party." So rare, but when it happens it is absolutely priceless.