I'll be the first to admit that when The Fray first hit, I was impressed. They made me a fan with their initial hit "Over My Head (Cable Car)" back in 2005. However, after that they slowly lost me as a fan because I thought their sound became rote, tired, that they where using the same formula over and over again and there was nothing special about them anymore. That was until I heard "Heartbeat".
This song grabbed my attention from the second I heard it. When I found out who was singing and playing I kind of brushed it off but it wouldn't leave me alone. The melodies and arrangement made me finally sit up and take notice. The playing is tight and the singing is heartfelt, like Isaac Slade has finally decided to just belt it out.
From a fan to an indifferent casual observer, I can't say this one song has brought me back to the Fray fold. What I will say instead is that I'll look in on The Fray more often than I have in the past now.
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