Private Ryan didn't have a lot of music in the film, John and Steven wanted it to be as sparse musically as possible, mainly because Steven wanted the audience right in the middle of the action and he didn't want anything distracting them. The music came during the down moments in the film, after the soldiers battled for their survival and contemplated how close they came to death. John wanted Hymn to be a tribute not to just the soldiers portrayed in the film, but those actual soldiers who fought and died in WWII. I think he did an exceptional job.
People originally thought Saving Private Ryan was the kind of film that was outside of John Williams' wheel house, that it took him too far away from his comfort zone. That maybe Steven should look to another composer who had the skills to score a film like this. Steven stuck to his guns, fought for John, and was rewarded...with this. Enjoy!
Amazing piece. You share a lot of great music, but this one took me outside myself for a moment.