Thursday, November 25, 2010

Farewell to Dobby

Alexandre Desplat has moved me yet again and is thoroughly making up his misstep for the score he put to the last Twilight film. This piece is an amazing moving and bittersweet piece put to the scene were Dobby dies. It’s an emotional scene as Dobby dies in Harry’s arms and this piece of music captures that anguish and sorrow perfectly.

The Potter movies have had a handful of composers putting their own touches and flourishes to the films as they did their best to raise the bar John Williams set in the first three movies. Some were in over their heads but for the most part the music has been serviceable. Apparently though the producers wanted a heavy hitter to score Potter’s final film and in my opinion Alexandre did not fail and I’m looking forward to part two of The Deathly Hallows to hear what he has coming next.

1 comment:

  1. Dumbeldore, Hedwig, Mad Eye & Dobby are dead and the Dark Lord has the Elder wand. Is all lost? This dirge sums that all up.
    I think 7.1 was the best Harry Potter movie so far, can't wait for 7.2.
