I don't usually get into patriotic music or the "Bless the Troops" movement. While I respect it, it's just not my cup of tea. When I heard this song though by Joshua James entitled Crash This Train I couldn't get it out of my head. It's really hard not to fall for it. It pulls you by the melody and his voice is perfect for the sentiment of this song.
It's an anti-war song and it's beautiful. It was found by accident and at first I ignored it because like I said, I don't usually get into music like this but I was stained. I couldn't wash this song off of my soul so I introduce it to you to see if you get effected too. Crash This Train is off Joshua's EP called The Garden which was released back in 2008 (so he's definitely got Bush in mind when he mentions the President and his pleas to end the war).
Maybe you'll hate this song and I can understand that but, if you hear it once, it may just stain your soul too. If that happens then it'll be as hard for you to ignore it as it was/is for me. Enjoy.
I love how he sings. This is a nice, thought provoking song.