This is the third time this group has graced my blog so you can positively say that I am a fan. If you don't know of this group by now then there's probably something wrong with you. Yeah, I said it! Anyway, if you don't know this song then allow me to introduce you to it. It's entitled Just Like You Imagined and it's what I like to call a symphony of sound. Before Trent Reznor was scoring movies and winning Oscars, he helmed the seminal group Nine Inch Nails and back in 1999 they dropped a 2 CD album called The Fragile. On disc 1 was Just Like You Imagined and if you can imagine, I had a hard time getting to disc 2 because this song grabbed me by the ears and wouldn't let me go.
The way it starts off is simple and subtle enough. A sparse piano piece with shallow sounds in the background, that is until the drums and bassline comes in. They ride together until the guitars come in and just when you think this thing has picked up steam in comes the piano again played by Mike Garson. It's a nice little respite before the fire, before the symphony of sound. Trent builds this track almost to the point of breaking and layers sounds on sounds until you get lost in them. It could be mayhem but he makes it work and the foundation is a beautifully dark melody that brings the track to a close.
I called NIN seminal earlier because in my opinion they were the forefathers and the inspiration behind the electronic music and dub step movement we have today. For so many disinterested kids, this was their soundtrack and Trent Reznor was their King. They went on to make music because of NIN and if that's not seminal then I don't know what is. Yeah, I said it!
I still think this reminds me of The Cure's The Kiss. Hehehe ;-) It's way to quiet in here!