I love this group, let me state that from the outset. I have almost everything by them and this song is one of my all time favorites by them. The group is called Explosions In The Sky and song is entitled Your Hand in Mine. It's so aggressively poignant, it reminds me of my childhood. There were times when I remember just losing my mind and cutting lose and then there are those moments I remember just being still and letting the day pass me by as I got lost in a book. This song captures both of those extremes to me in a way I've never heard before. I first heard this song and of this group when I went to see Peter Berg's movie Friday Night Lights. I was so moved by the song, I had to find out who was responsible for it.
The song starts off slow, nice and mellow, with a collection of guitars playing off of one very simple melody. It can conjure up images of watching clouds pass over head, that is until the drums come in and add some spirit to the melody. That's when the song begins to gel for me. As quick as they come though, the drums fall away and it's like that throughout which I like. The melody changes and somehow, to me at least the song never gets boring.
If you like this song then look into Explosions, much of their stuff has this feel and this sound to it. Their music will quite possibly make you think, remember, and reminisce. I know it does that to me whenever I hear them.
Nice. You can get lost in this.