A few days ago a good friend of mine posted her favorite Judds song on facebook. That got me to thinking and this song came to mind. It's not a Judds song but it IS a Wynonna Judd song and it's the first country song I can firmly remember ever truly liking. I was working in a record store (big shock, I know) back in 93 and this song was on one of those in store playlists and I can remember always looking forward to hearing it come around again. The song is called Only Love off of her 1993 release Tell Me Why.
It's not the lyrics that grabbed me though it's a well written love song. What snatched me was the melody. The song slowly builds, as is the M.O. of country music with strings being added to give a nice lush feel to the song. When Wynonna sings the chorus of Only love sails straight from the harbor/only love will lead us to the other shore/and out of all the flags I've flown/one flies high and stands alone, it's hard not to appreciate this song.
Did this song make me a country music fan? No. Did it turn me into a Wynonna fan? Again that would be a firm no. What it did though was let me know that even back in 93, I knew a good song when I heard it and that's good enough for me.
It's ok. I'll give it that. The melody is attractive, but that's about it. It has nothing to do with me not being a country fan either because I will listen to whatever genre grabs me either by the lyrics, music, hook, whatever it may be.