Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stolen Away on 55th and 3rd

In this day and age everyone and their mother knows of the Dave Matthews Band, even MY mother knows and that's saying something. They aren't some odd local band I happened to have stumbled upon and thought "hey, the world needs to hear these guys". They are literally one of the worlds most popular bands with a signature sound that has garnered them fans far and wide. Now honestly I am not a fan of all of their stuff, I said it! Every group or artist drops an album with a vibe that resonates with you and it becomes your favorite out of their collection. This is the case with DMB's album "Stand Up" and my favorite song off that album is "Stolen Away on 55th and 3rd". I don't think this song was ever released as a single here in the states so it never really got the play I think it deserved.

It's a great song with a great sound and great sentiment. There have been times when I would be walking the streets of this city and wonder if I would ever bump into an old flame and what would I say to her. This song captures that moment perfectly in my opinion. The song starts off with a nice smooth beat, some keys, and the unforttable saxaphone riff by the late great LeRoi Moore. Then Dave comes in singing "Hello again / Seems like forever between now and then / You look the same /I mean you look different but you haven't changed / Funny to think how the time gets away / Funny how you take me right back again". It's that moment when you see that person again after years and all those old feelings come flooding right back. It's done perfectly and just when you don't think this song couldn't get any better or prettier that violin comes in and dances on top of the groove so nimbly it becomes the cherry on the sundae.

I can listen to this song over and over again and never grow tired of it. If you've never heard this song before due to lack of airplay maybe you might grow to love it as much as I do.

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