Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Love's In Need Of Love Today

I was sitting around mulling over the recent tragic events of the day and for some reason, this song came to me. Not the original but Najee's delicious version of the Stevie Wonder classic Love's In Need of Love Today off of Najee's 1995 tribute album Najee Plays Songs in the Key of Life. Stevie's song is an amazing thing to behold, and I honestly think Najee and his soprano saxophone does the song justice. Especially when the strings come in at towards the end, sublime.

There were so many shootings and deaths today that I literally thought the world is in need of some love today. So I thought to blog Najee's sweet sax playing one of the greatest songs by one of the greatest artists of all time and introduce it to you. You may have never heard this version of Stevie's song, you may have never even heard of Najee for that matter, and if that is the case then I am happy to make the introduction :)

Back in 1995 I gave this album to my parents for Christmas, they are BIG Stevie Wonder fans, and they had so much fun playing (blasting) it throughout the house that entire day. I can still see the smiles on their faces as they danced and sang and hummed along with Najee. It's a memory that is so vivid it's like it all happened yesterday, and it came to me today as I watched the news. Love truly is in need of love today. Enjoy!


  1. ~sigh~ That was so very needed, M. What a lovely way to start the day. The feeling that inspired was like a ray of sunshine through dark dreary clouds. A perfect song to help lift our hearts a little and find a way to reach for love.

    Wonderful memory...thank you for sharing. It brought a smile to my face.

    Have a wonderful day.
