It's apparent I am in a big boy speaker mood right now because this yet another big boy speaker cut. This one is full of all the drama you could want in a song. Strings, choir, bombast, and that magnificent voice of Florence from Florence + The Machine. The name of this song is entitled Breath Of Life and it comes straight at you as the credits roll in Snow White and The Hunstman.
When it started I was immediatley taken by the driving instrumentation and her voice riding it like one does a thundering horse. Then the song becomes gentle, dark but gentle. The song begins to pick up steam and Florences voice makes you realize that ONLY her voice could have been put on this track. Her vocals are strong enough to carry this track and not get drowned out by the backing choir or the orchestra.
The movie was entertaining, good even. I'll give it that, but this song, this song was a stroke of genius and it just made the movie even better. Enjoy
WOW!!!!!!!!!! This will be on repeat for a minute! Love. Love. LOVE!