Do you remember the very first song you ever fell in love with? The very first song that touched your heart and stirred your soul? That song that stayed with you no matter how long ago you first heard it? I do and for me that song is Sideshow by Blue Magic. I was a precocious little big headed six year old child with my very own record player, okay fine it was a Fisher-Price Show and Tell but it still played regular 45's. My parents kept their music in my room and one day I played this song and that was it for me, and I was ONLY six.
Hailing from Philadelphia, Blue Magic dropped their debut album entitled Blue Magic in 1974 and had a string of hits off of it. Sideshow was just one of the many but for me it was THE hit. The melody, the harmonizing, the strings, and the lyrics grabbed me by the neck and have yet to let go of me. To this very day I smile when I hear this song, it has stood the test of time.
I love a lot of songs, there is NO denying that. I am intensely passionate about ALL kinds of music (to which I think my blog attests too) but perhaps if it weren't for this song, that might not be the case. Who knows how many times I replayed this song over and over on that little record player of mine but that's what you do with first loves, you replay them. Sometimes in your mind and others, in your headphones. Enjoy!
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