I ask this question often to people who consider themselves music lovers, what's the prettiest melody they have ever heard. I get so many answers to some very good pieces of music but no matter what musical road I am led down, I always come back to this piece. In A Sentimental Mood by the masters Duke Ellington and John Coltrane is not only one of the most beautiful melodies I have ever heard but it also evokes an emotion of...longing.
I have come across a lot of people who claim not to like jazz because they "just don't get it", like it's some kind of equation to solve. I always recommend one of two songs for those jazz haters to listen to and Coltrane is involved in both of them. The first is Tranes Central Park West and the other is this song. The simplistic beauty of this song is almost without equal and after hearing it, if one can't appreciate this art form then there really is no hope for them.
Duke Ellington was once asked to describe his music in an interview and he stated unequivocally "there is good music and bad music, I make good music". Yes you do Duke, yes you do. Enjoy!
Love it. One of my favs. Sounds like cozy afternoon wrapped up in a lover.